Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Machu Picchu Day 4

Yes, I have been wearing the same clothes for three days. I promise I am showering.

OK, so Machu Picchu is insane. There is no way I can put the enormity of it into words ... you just have to go. You REALLY have to go. I was surpised by the jungle/rain forest climate. Everything is green and colorful, which is a difference from the Sacred Valley.

The Incas really did a bang up job building this village. It's just unimaginable how well preserved it is. There are HUGE boulders sitting in the middle of some areas, in the process of being moved when they fled and abandoned the village for fear of the Spanish.

Below I tried to capture the colorful plantlife, and I included a picture of a chinchilla we saw.
I'm so exhausted I'm going to eat some Pringles and go to bed.
Adios - Viva El Peru!!


  1. I keep commenting but then for some reason my comments don't post. Not sure why or even if this is going to go through. if it does I'll write more. love the blog!!xoxo

  2. love the chinchilla picture! Glad you are having so much fun and are providing the entertainment for the geriatrics :o) xoxo

  3. this blog is great! i love being able to follow your adventures!! the picture of the children is preiceless. rest up, i'm waiting for more updates! XOXO! katie
